Beginning this blog is one of the most nerve-racking things I have ever done. It is not a matter of my qualifications, competency or expertise; it is that I know my audience (presenting anything to you guys is usually received as well as giving a report in front of the class in middle school). When your Monday consists of more outrageous things than many people have in a lifetime and you already are inundated with paperwork, reading is not at the top of your list. If it were not for the 20-some first responders I get in my office per week, I would think this would be a waste of time.
So, this is my plan. I’m going to keep it short, funny, when possible, give you some ideas that might make your relationships better (you don’t have to say you got them from me), and give you some things to lookout for (because they might be indicative of a bigger issue).
I am thankful that most of you are doing well, and I want you to stay that way. I want you to show up in your own life and enjoy it. Believe it or not, that life exists outside of your work. If you can go home and shut work off, for the most part, then you are doing well. I hope you can gain some strategies here to continue improving your day-to-day life. If you find yourself angry at work, angry at home, numb or have to drink to feel or not feel you need more than a blog and I hope some words you read here guide you to the help you deserve.
Many departments have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that allows you to see a mental health professional for 7-10 sessions for free. Also, many health insurance companies allow you to see someone out of your network and they will reimburse you for part or the entire price per session. All I’m saying is you have options. Wouldn’t it be worth it to at least see if some of the negative things you’ve encountered or negative relationship patterns that have developed in your life can be changed?
I’m not saying it will make your wife okay with the new gun you just bought, but what if it would? I sorry, that was sexist, “or husband okay with the gun you just bought”. Who am I kidding? That is one of the best perks of being a female in law enforcement! Husbands don’t usually care if their wife buys a new gun. Also, that was a joke; I’m not going to help you manipulate your spouse. I do want to help you build better relationships though.
So, I am hoping to entertain, educate, and enhance your life a little once a week.
Next week’s topic, Tactical Communication (as it pertains to your significant other). I look forward to talking with you then!